Anchor Safe have been industry leaders in Australia for over 15 years now and have watched the safety scene change dramatically in that time.

In the last 2 years alone, we’ve seen the introduction of specific working at heights legislation, a new National Code of Practice was released, amendments to the Australian standard 1891 part 4, the first man jailed under WA’s workplace safety and health laws, and there’s been significant advances in the equipment and techniques used to keep people safe when they’re working at heights.

We’ve come a long way as an industry, but there’s still more work to do to make Australian workplaces safer and protect workers at height in every industry and at every site.

Don’t become a statistic

Falls from a height was the main cause of fatalities in both the Construction services and Building construction industry sub-divisions, resulting in 48 deaths across the Construction industry in 2020.
Almost a third (29%) of these fatalities in the Construction industry involved falls from a building / Roof and 21% of falls occurred from a ladder.

Source: Safe Work Australia Work related traumatic injury fatalities Australia 2020

So where to from here for Anchor Safe?

In our view, the only way to bring down the number of people getting killed or injured working at height is to hold companies and individuals accountable to higher standards, higher levels of competency and greater compliance across the board through more industry training and even more product innovation.

Here’s Our Top 6 Tips for Height Safety Compliance in 2022 and Beyond.

Keep up to date with your states industry Acts, Codes, standards, and guidelines

Height Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Morally and legally, you have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment – especially at height where the risks are great. By keeping up with the latest standards, Acts, Codes and guidelines you will not only be protecting your business but your works as well. Although it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the changes to standards and whether this affects you or not, that is why you turn to Anchor Safe. We’ve developed a deep understanding of all the relevant Australian codes, standards and legislation to ensure our systems, recommendations and advice are always 100% compliant, safe and up to date.

Outsourcing height safety compliance

Health & safety managers and business owners have a long and often complex list of compliance requirements relating to various areas of workplace health and safety. Height Safety is one of those complex requirements that often get overlooked. Height safety is one area where they know they need to get it right but it’s a highly specialized area of workplace safety that demands constant monitoring & maintenance. It makes sense to outsource it to an accredited company that has the specialist knowledge, expertise and equipment to take care of everything from audits and inspections to installations and maintenance.

New WAHA Code of practice

What we’ve all been waiting for, some guidance and clarification of the Australian standards for fixed platforms, walkways, stairways & ladders. Clearing up the differing opinions within the height safety industry is exactly what this new industry code released by the Working at Height Association does.

This will not only help height safety system designers but help facility managers and property owners gain a better understanding of their responsibilities and requirements when it comes to fall prevention and working safely at heights.

View the New Code of Practice Here

Turnkey Solution

Complete compliance Confidence with Anchor Safes turnkey solution. We provide a total, long-term solution for clients who manage multiple buildings. Our height safety engineers take great care in designing, supplying and installing the right solution, then maintaining the highest of roof safety standards over the life of each and every building.

Safety within the solar industry
Upholding height safety compliance & on-going maintenance in 2022 within the solar industry

Despite the attention that SafeWork Australia has brought to the risks of working at heights and hazards while installing solar panels, it appears there is still a lack of engagement when it comes to height safety compliance and safety within the solar industry. Anchor Safe will be putting a lot of effort this year into ensuring complete safety on sites where solar panels need regular maintenance. Systems such as static lines and walkways will dramatically reduce the risk of a fall while inspecting, cleaning & maintaining solar panels.

A big issue we are finding too often on sites around Australia is solar panels being installed over existing safety systems. Anchor Points & static lines that were once compliant are having to be deemed noncompliant due to damage from the solar panels or have been completely hidden by the solar panels. It is important to ensure your safety systems are compliant every day and if your unsure contact the team of experts at Anchor Safe who can assist in the recertification of your height Safety Systems.

Technology & innovation
With the development of our very own compliance and asset register app, the sky is the limit for the team at Anchor Safe. Our new app called CertifEYE will increasingly assist us to manage, track and report on compliance, and monitor in real time clients’ assets and recertification needs. It’s the constant reassurance that your height safety is in good hands. We have also seen the increase of using drones to analyze rooftop layouts, eliminating the need to get on a potentially dangerous rooftop.

The Anchor Safe team are committed more then ever this year to uphold the vision of ensuring all those who work at heights, can do so safely. Make sure you have the correct fall protection / prevention systems in place on your site today & tomorrow – Reach out to your most trusted provider of height safety systems in Australia today on 1800 825 157 to kick start your year in a safe way.

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